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9C. 24-0272 Consider and take action on a resolution increasing the Capital Improvement Project budget funding for the Clear Creek Village Sound Wall (ST2202) from $20,000 to $220,000 as part of the I-45 TxDOT widening project (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
7A. 24-0247 Hold a public hearing on a request to reconsider rezoning approximately 54.7610 acres from “CM” (Commercial Mixed Use) to “RSF-7” (Residential Single Family 7) for a Zoning Change Application, MAP-24-0001 (Sonoma / West Nasa Tract), generally located along the east side of West Old Nasa Road and along the west side of West Nasa Boulevard (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
7B. 24-0248 Consider and take action on reconsideration of an ordinance rezoning approximately 54.7610 acres from “CM” (Commercial Mixed Use) to “RSF-7” (Residential Single Family 7), MAP-24-0001 (Sonoma / West Nasa Tract), generally located along the east side of West Old Nasa Road and along the west side of West Nasa Boulevard (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
8A. 24-0291 Consider and take action on Ordinance 2024-08 creating Article V, entitled "Mitigation Rates - for Emergency and Non-Emergency Services" of Chapter 46 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of League City to authorize mitigation rates for Fire Department Services - Second Reading (Fire Chief)
9A. 24-0237 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a schedule of fees related to emergency and non-emergency services provided by the Fire Department (Fire Chief)
9B. 24-0239 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a five (5) year agreement with EmergiFire, LLC for Fire Billing Services (Fire Chief)
9D. 24-0287 Consider and take action on a resolution determining which charter propositions shall be included on the 2024 November election ballot (City Attorney)
9E. 24-0293 Consider and take action on a resolution directing city staff to increase the senior (65 years or older) and/or disabled residential homestead tax exemption from $75,000 to $100,000 in the upcoming property tax rate ordinance (Council Member Cones, Mayor Pro Tem Hicks, and Council Member Chadwell)
9F. 24-0298 Consider and take action on a resolution to support the Texas Water Development Board decision placing the highest ranking on the Galveston Bay Surge Protection Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (Coastal Texas Project) (City Manager)
9G. 23-0536 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a new public space usage policy and fee schedule for facilities and Helen Hall Library (Assistant City Manager, Executive Director of Facilities and Information Technology, Director of Parks and Cultural Services)
9H. 24-0275 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a conditional drilling permit for the Stewart Title #1 site, located along the north side of Butler Road, approximately 930 feet east of Hobbs Road and 1,500 feet west of Calder Drive, in accordance with Chapter 42, Article III of the League City Code of Ordinances, entitled Oil and Gas Well Drilling (Director of Planning)
10A. 24-0288 Consider and take action on an ordinance amending Division 2, entitled "Code of Ethics", of Article II, entitled “City Council”, of Chapter 2, entitled "Administration" to clarify and consolidate several sections of the City's Ethics Code (Council Member Tressler and Council Member Chadwell)
10B. 24-0290 Consider and take action on an ordinance to sunset the Big League Dreams Review Committee (Mayor Pro Tem Hicks and Council Member Mann)
9I. 24-0282 Consider and take action on a resolution determining that land is needed for the construction and improvements associated with Phase 2 Reconstruction of Turner St and Butler Rd Project (RE1902A), in the City of League City, Texas, specifically: 1) a 0.0927 acre parcel of land believed to be owned by Mark Brittnacher and, 2) a 0.0578 acre parcel of land believed to be owned by Brent G. Langlinais; and authorizing the institution of eminent domain proceedings (Executive Director of Capital Projects) (Part 2 of 2)
Jun 11, 2024 Regular Meetings
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Full agenda
9C. 24-0272 Consider and take action on a resolution increasing the Capital Improvement Project budget funding for the Clear Creek Village Sound Wall (ST2202) from $20,000 to $220,000 as part of the I-45 TxDOT widening project (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
7A. 24-0247 Hold a public hearing on a request to reconsider rezoning approximately 54.7610 acres from “CM” (Commercial Mixed Use) to “RSF-7” (Residential Single Family 7) for a Zoning Change Application, MAP-24-0001 (Sonoma / West Nasa Tract), generally located along the east side of West Old Nasa Road and along the west side of West Nasa Boulevard (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
7B. 24-0248 Consider and take action on reconsideration of an ordinance rezoning approximately 54.7610 acres from “CM” (Commercial Mixed Use) to “RSF-7” (Residential Single Family 7), MAP-24-0001 (Sonoma / West Nasa Tract), generally located along the east side of West Old Nasa Road and along the west side of West Nasa Boulevard (Council Member Cones and Mayor Pro Tem Hicks)
8A. 24-0291 Consider and take action on Ordinance 2024-08 creating Article V, entitled "Mitigation Rates - for Emergency and Non-Emergency Services" of Chapter 46 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of League City to authorize mitigation rates for Fire Department Services - Second Reading (Fire Chief)
9A. 24-0237 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a schedule of fees related to emergency and non-emergency services provided by the Fire Department (Fire Chief)
9B. 24-0239 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a five (5) year agreement with EmergiFire, LLC for Fire Billing Services (Fire Chief)
9D. 24-0287 Consider and take action on a resolution determining which charter propositions shall be included on the 2024 November election ballot (City Attorney)
9E. 24-0293 Consider and take action on a resolution directing city staff to increase the senior (65 years or older) and/or disabled residential homestead tax exemption from $75,000 to $100,000 in the upcoming property tax rate ordinance (Council Member Cones, Mayor Pro Tem Hicks, and Council Member Chadwell)
9F. 24-0298 Consider and take action on a resolution to support the Texas Water Development Board decision placing the highest ranking on the Galveston Bay Surge Protection Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (Coastal Texas Project) (City Manager)
9G. 23-0536 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a new public space usage policy and fee schedule for facilities and Helen Hall Library (Assistant City Manager, Executive Director of Facilities and Information Technology, Director of Parks and Cultural Services)
9H. 24-0275 Consider and take action on a resolution authorizing a conditional drilling permit for the Stewart Title #1 site, located along the north side of Butler Road, approximately 930 feet east of Hobbs Road and 1,500 feet west of Calder Drive, in accordance with Chapter 42, Article III of the League City Code of Ordinances, entitled Oil and Gas Well Drilling (Director of Planning)
10A. 24-0288 Consider and take action on an ordinance amending Division 2, entitled "Code of Ethics", of Article II, entitled “City Council”, of Chapter 2, entitled "Administration" to clarify and consolidate several sections of the City's Ethics Code (Council Member Tressler and Council Member Chadwell)
10B. 24-0290 Consider and take action on an ordinance to sunset the Big League Dreams Review Committee (Mayor Pro Tem Hicks and Council Member Mann)
9I. 24-0282 Consider and take action on a resolution determining that land is needed for the construction and improvements associated with Phase 2 Reconstruction of Turner St and Butler Rd Project (RE1902A), in the City of League City, Texas, specifically: 1) a 0.0927 acre parcel of land believed to be owned by Mark Brittnacher and, 2) a 0.0578 acre parcel of land believed to be owned by Brent G. Langlinais; and authorizing the institution of eminent domain proceedings (Executive Director of Capital Projects) (Part 2 of 2)
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